Xmas in hell.

December 25th, 1986.   Merry Christmas. Well that's what people say at christmas right?
 Except for normally they have someone to say it to....
They have friends and family, and they haven't been crouched naked under a christmas tree with a needle in their arm like an insane person in a mansion at Van Nuys.

They're not out of their minds,
 they're not writing in a diary,
and they're definitely not watching their holiday spirit coagulate in a spoon.

I didn't speak to a single person today. I thought " Why should I ruin their fucking christmas?"

I've started a new diary and this time I have a few reasons.

One; I have no friends left.

Two;  So I can read back and remember what I did the day before.

And Three; So if I die, atleast I leave a nice little suicide note of my life.

It's just me and you diary...

Welcome to my fucking life!

Nobody would believe the shit that happens inside my head. It's haunted.

Now that I've come down from the drugs, it seems like a sick play that I saw in a theatre somewhere.

Thirty minutes ago I could have killed somebody...

Or better yet, myself......


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